Building Up

So here I am back in Second Life. Reflecting on so many different things. Who I was before and what I have done. Missing a piece of the creativity and designing, likely why I caught the blogging bug. I realized I had to destroy what I was to build myself back up. Is it hard?.... Yes, but it is worth it. I am a happier, healthier me and amazing friends behind me each step of the way.  I do hope you follow my journey in Second Life on Flickr, who knows what I will do! 


Photobooth : Foxcity - Photo Booth - Choices GG12-17
Hair: Stealthic - Jealousy (Browns)
Shirt: Bishes Inc - Laced Jumper HOTPINK
Pants: Blueberry - Pizza - Ripped Jeans - Light Blue
Skin: Pumec - Nicole - April Gift
Ears: Pumec - Mesh Ears - August Group Gift
Body: sLink - Physique Hourglass Mesh Body
Head: Catwa - Lona Head


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