
Showing posts from November, 2018

Keeping Warm - 045 - Sass

When it is cold outside, there is nothing better then a warm fire to cuddle up to.  Sponsor:  Oufit: Donna from  Sass Avatar:  Hair: May from  Wasabi Body: Lara from Maitreya Head & Skin: Scarlet from  LAQ

Haters Gonna Hate - 044 - Sexy Princess

Love your haters, they're your biggest fans.  Sponsor:  Outfit: Silla from  Sexy Princess Avatar:  Scarlet by Laq (head & skin)  Lara by Maitreya (body) 

Paradise - 043 - Sexy Princess

All I need is a little piece of paradise.  Sponsor:  Charolette Dress from Sexy Princess  @ Redeux Black Friday & Cyber Monday event (Until Nov 27th) Avatar:  Head: Scarlet from LAQ Body: Lara from Maitreya Skin: Scarlet from  LAQ Hair: Ivy from Magika

Just My Luck - 042 - CH Poses, ArisArisB&W & Changed Seasons

It is that time of year, one minute its nice out and the next minute the white stuff is coming down. Thinking I need to start dressing warmer!  Sponsors:  Pose: Hip Threat from  CH Poses Outfit: Nox from Changed Seasons at Hashtag event Boots: Alus55~Marvelous Booties from ArisArisB&W

Dreaming - 041 - KC Style

Believe in your dreams.  They were given to you for a reason.                                         -Katrina Mayer Sponsor:  Antea Bikini from  KC Style Avatar:  Lona from Catwa Lara from Maitreya Milu from Glam Affair Bliss from  Besom

DJ Turn the Music Up! - 040 - Star Sugar

Music is therapy for me and being a DJ is exactly what the doctor ordered.  Credits:  Outfit: Rocker Chick Outfit by Star Sugar @ Hashtag Event Avatar:  Skin: Milu from Glam Affair Body: Lara from Maitreya Head: Lona from Catwa

Wasn't Me! - 039 - Sass

It wasn't me,  Can't Prove a thing,  and if you can.....I'll just deny it!!  Sponsor:  Outfit: Vivien outfit from Sass @  Designer Circle Avatar: Hair: Ciara VIP from Truth Body: Hourglass from sLink Head: Genus Project Mesh Head Skin: Sofie from  Not Found

Cuddle Me This - 038 - Charisma's Designs

Chilly outside only means one thing to help spend the cold days, warm cuddles! Credits:  Outfit: Nina Musical from Charisma's Designs @ Hashtag November event   Hair: Wide Awake from Lamb  

Sometimes I Don't - 037 - Bishes Inc

Most times I don't, but isn't that part of the fun?  Sponsors:  Shoes: Temptation from Bishes Inc @  Tres Chic Avatar:  Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Lara from Maitreya Skin: Vivi from Glam Affair Hair: Teddy Bear from Besom Shirt: Olivia tied top from Cheeky Skirt: Flower Lace Skirt from BouBouKi Pose & Photobooth from  Foxcity

Just Me - 036 - Body Experssion & KC Style

I am just a girl, looking for a spot to be just me!  Credits:  Dress: Maxi Drees from Body Expression @ Hashtag November Event Necklace: Eowyn from  KC Style Avatar: Hair: Talk Like That from Magika Body: Lara from Maitreya Head: Lona from Catwa Skin: Kendra (December gift) from Pumec Rings: Princess Bento Rings from  Swallow

Apply Within - 035 - Sass & CH Poses

A real woman can do it all by herself..... But a real man won't let her.  Credits Outfit: Tandi from Sass @  XXX Event Pose: Doorway Seduction from  CH Poses

Fun - 035 - Sweet Evil

It's fun being a kid.                    - Bradford Arthur Angier Credits:  Poof Ball Headband from Sweet Evil Bad Habit from Magika Kendra (December Gift) from Pumec Vivid Matte Lipstick from L'Etre Lona from Catwa Lara from Maitreya I Believe in You from *CK* Candy Kitten Hella Cute pose from  Foxcity

Submissively Waiting - 034 - Kc Style & Bishes Inc.

A truly submissive woman is to be treasured, cherished and protected for it is only she who can give a man the gift of dominance.                                                                                                      - Anne Desclos Credits:  Outfit: Jalis Leather and Rope from  Kc Style Shoes:  Vicky Heels from Bishes Inc . Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Lara from Maitreya Skin: Kendra (December Group Gift) from Pumec Hair: Char (VIP) from Truth Pose: The Mad House Pose and Furniture Set from  Foxcity

Dream a Little Story - 033 - Jumo & Sass

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.                                                                        - Marsha Norman Credits:  Makeup: Sarah Lips from Jumo @ The Makeover Room   Outfit: Beth from  Sass Hair: Juicy from Besom Skin: Kendra (December group gift) from Pumec Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Lara from  Maitreya

Original - 032 - Storyteller

Be yourself because an original is worth more then a copy.                                                          - Unknown Credits:  Pose: Street Movement from StoryTeller @ Up Event (Nov 1-15) Hair: Kitten hair from Besom Pants: Anyday Skinny Jeans from Cynful Boots: Glitter Duckboots from  Reign

Hidden - 031 - Lekilicious

When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside.                                                        - Rumi Credits:  Outfit: Diana Jeans from Lekilicious @  Up event Body: Lara from  Maitreya Skin: Sophie from  Not Found Hair: Exicted from  Doux

Never More - 030 - CH Poses

Never more quote the Raven never more Then he spread his wings and he flew back out the door And the voice that sealed my doom still echoes in my room Never more quote the Raven never more never more quote the Raven never more                                                             - Stonewall Jackson - 'Never More' Quote The Raven Credits:  Pose: Raven's Call Open Arms from CH Poses Outfit: Fairy Romper from  Boubouki

Selfie - 029 - Livia

Create, and be true to yourself, and depend only on your own good taste.                                                                   -Duke Ellington Credits:  Makeup: Lustrous CrĆØme Beauty Set [Genus] from Livia @ The Makeover Room Head: Genus Project Body: Lara from Maitreya Hair: Fatal from Stealthic Skin: Sophie Skin from  Not Found Necklace: Candela's Necklace from Cynful Sweater: Lila from Avanti

Cozy - 026 - The Style Loft

Winter is slowly hitting the different sims across Second Life. It just makes me want to wrap up in comfort and what matches this sweater any more perfectly then the Noire skirt from The Style Loft at the Darkness Monthly event. Credits:  Skirt: Noire Skirt from The Style Loft @  The Darkness Monthly Event Sweater: OverSized Knit Sweater from  Amiable Boots: Bianca from  N-Core Leggings: Sexy Lace from  AviCandy Hair: Strawberries from  Magika Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Hourglass from sLink Skin: Aya Gacha from  PumeC

Believe - 028 - ArisArisB&W

Those who don't  believe in magic will never find it!                                                              -Ronald Dahl Credits:  Gown: Riven from  ArisArisB&W Hair: Nathalia from  Truth Body: Lara from Maitreya Head: Bianca from  Lelutka Skin: Isabela from  L'Etre

Changes - 027 - Sass

Much like the seasons I tend to change my look a lot. Good thing I can and I have so much fun in doing so! Blogging has been perfect for me, I can change my look, try different designers, explore and just be me! Thankfully real seasons do not change as often!  Credits:  Outfit: Paige from Sass @ Suicide Dollz Head: Bianca from Lelutka Skin: Isabela from L'etre Body: Hourglass from sLink Hair: Fleeting from  Stealthic

Brr.... It's Cold! - 025 - Wild Makeup Studio, Sweet Willows & Avada

It is that time of year when snow is just a mere few drops in the temperature away. I find fall and spring soar through so fast. I love to keep the hot beverages close as well as the fuzzy warm sweaters! Credits:  Lipstick: Florencia Lipstick from Avada @ The Makeover Room Outfit: Denim Overalls from Sweet Willows @ Up Event Nails: Meoww Nails from Wild Makeup Studio @  The Makeover Room Avatar:  Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Hourglass from sLink Skin: Kiki from Insol Sweater: Fuzzy Cardigan from Cynful   Hair: Bertie Hair with Hat Gacha from Limerence Boots: Martens Boot! Heels from  ROC

Oh Hai There! - 024 - Enigma Apparel & .kosmetik

I have really been diving into my non-existent urban roots with Up events urban theme! But really this is me we are talking about so I had to do SOMETHING cute!!! Also can I say WOW with The Makeover Room event going on as well? The shopping enabler in me says you should visit both!  Ride to Up event Ride to Makeover Room Credits: Outfit: May Set (boots included) from Enigma Apparel @ Up event  Lip Applier: Mattem Velvet from  .kosmetik @ The Makeover Room Avatar: Hair: Ronja Duo from  .EscalateD Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Hourglass from sLink Skin: Aya Gacha from  PumeC

Urban Chic - 023 - Sweet Willows & Tooty Fruity

Up event is going strong and these designers have pulled no stops when designing for this urban themed event! Make sure you stop on by and see all gems that can be found!  Credits:  Located at the Up event :  Dress: Tahiry Dress from Sweet Willows Shoes: Kenni Heels from Tooty Fruity Avatar: Head: Lona from Catwa Body: Hourglass from  sLink Skin: Aya Gacha from PumeC Hair: Juicy from  Besom